Patch Notes [Version 43]
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Patch Notes [Version 43]  

Release Date: 11 August 2024            

The Version 43 update, released on 11 August 2024, focuses on improving game balance, particularly in boss encounters. The update introduces significant adjustments to boss damage, aligning it more closely with player attributes such as resistances, wisdom, dexterity, and defense. The Bone Drake boss has been temporarily removed due to a damage bug and will be reintroduced once fixed. The update also includes several bug fixes, such as resolving issues with Territory Chieftains, Loot Goblins, and the Archer's Speed Up skill. Despite these improvements, the update still has some known issues, including constant crashes and memory leaks, which are being addressed. The Warfare times display on the website has also been corrected.


Known Issues

Constant crashing.
Memory leaks.

Improvements and Additions



  • Improved Boss balancing, specifically around the damage they do to players. Previously most were either set too high or too low. They have now been balanced towards player levels, health points, resistances, wisdom (magical damage mitigation), dexterity (physical damage mitigation) and defence. Our goal is to make these bosses somewhat more of a challenge. It did not sit right with us that players starting at roughly L50 were able to complete endgame content. We hope you understand our stance to make these monsters require a bit more in terms of level and gear before challenging them. Please use this rough guide on how to tackle the new and improved bosses:
    • Manticore - Players should be stacking Poison Resistance and Wisdom.

    • Ogre Master - Players should be stacking Defence and Dexterity.

    • Bone Drake - Players should be stacking Defence and Dexterity.

    • Baphomet - Players should be stacking Fire/Earth Resistances and Wisdom.

    • Ocean Dragon - Players should be stacking Water/Air Resistance and Wisdom.

    • Demon Servant - Players should be stacking Air Resistance and Wisdom.

    • Mountain Behemoth - Players should be stacking Fire Resistance, Wisdom, Defence and Dexterity.

    • Eragon and Minotaur Master will be done at another time.

  • Improved the boss slain notification, will now be in red and play a sound notification.

  • Added more buckertys to the top of the pit near the entrance to Siros Castle.



  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


  • No improvements or additions.


Changes and Removals



  • Removed Bone Drake from the game as its damage is currently bugged, making the boss very easy to take down. It will be re-added once the issue is fixed.


  • No changes or removals


  • No changes or removals


  • No changes or removals


  • No changes or removals


Bug Fixes



  • Fixed bug causing Territory Chieftains to get hit by target AoE's while in a non war time.

  • Fixed Loot Goblins to stop spawning in Hershal town.

  • Fixed Spulozer Bow from dropping with incompatible stats for its grade from Leaf Mages and Blaster Planters.


  • No bug fixes.


  • No bug fixes.


  • Fixed bug causing Speed Up skill to not provide +2 movement speed at Lv10+.


  • No bug fixes.





  • Fixed Warfare times to show correctly on the website.


Patch Notes
Reforgix Staff
Aug 12, 2024
August 12, 2024 at 2:11 AM UTC
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